Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Rising Sun and Salem, Indiana

Rising Sun, IN

I wandered into the local historical society today to see if someone could locate the cemetery at Downey’s Corner for me.  The volunteer on duty took a look at the map in the book I had and then pulled out some more books.  The reason I couldn’t  find it is it is behind a house and ¼ mile back from the road.  It’s private property and I couldn’t trespass no matter what my excuse.  At least I know why I couldn’t find it.

The volunteer explained he is also the county coroner and got a call this morning.  In a county of this size, he knows practically everybody so he is dealing with people he knows.  He said it happens quite a bit. 

He did show me a portrait of Alexander C. Downey who was the brother of our ancestor.  Old A.C. was a very prosperous man, a judge, and pillar of the community.  Our ancestor fell out of a pear tree and died.  Hhhhmmm,

I spent most of the morning yesterday at the Jeep dealership getting the headlights fixed.  Wyatt had texted me a message to have them look at the exhaust system.  When I was in ABQ, he heard a “ticking” that sounded to him like an exhaust problem.  So they did and there is one.  They said it will take a day  to fix it (and many $$$$) so I might want to continue and find another dealership at a place where I am going to stay for a while.  It presents no danger so the Jeep is safe.

Salem, IN

Today is my last day in the park at Rising Sun so I decided to go to Salem (180 miles RT) to see if I could locate the old Shrum house and photograph the courthouse which Alfred Shrum built.  It was foggy this morning so I did laundry and started to prep the RPOD to move while I waited for better visibility.  Finally started for Salem about 10:30.  Of course the main highway into Salem is closed for construction work so I had detours all over the county but I got there.  I had the street address of the Shrum house plugged into the Garmin.  Had a terrible time because the streets leading to it were also closed!  If I didn’t drive a Jeep, I probably couldn’t have made it. 

To my complete amazement, the house is owned by someone who absolutely loves it.  See photos. 

The brick outhouse still stands.

Now to the courthouse:

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