Saturday, December 31, 2016

Farewell 2016

Weather here has been mostly crummy for the past couple of months; overcast, WINDY, rainy, and cold.  We have had several "dailies" (people who come into the park for a day or two and then move on) who have gone out to ride with us.

On Wednesday the weather was sunny, low winds, and low 60's.  A new couple in the park, Ron and Sally, wanted to go out to ride but were a little hesitant going by themselves (the park map is pretty sketchy).  

We spent several hours cruising around the trails, showing them some of the less-traveled areas.  This photo was taken at Mary Anne's Point.  (I did not name of the Crazies did.)  As you can see, it's a nice day.  Ron is an experienced driver so we could go pretty much anywhere and not worry about them.

Two days later, we went out again on a marginal day.  However, it was the only day left in 2016 we could go.  (As I write this, it's raining.)  Picked up a couple of others who wanted to get out and about.  Cabin fever is raging through the park.

We are packing up to spend seven weeks in Arizona hunting for somewhere with better weather.  I've been watching the weather channels and where we are going isn't much better than it is here. Oh well, different scenery, different people.  

We are planning to meet our friends Steve and Nancy and caravan down to a park just outside Tombstone, AZ.  The four of us will ride trails for 10 days;  Steve and Nancy will return to their home park at Bernardo, NM, and we will go on to Brenda, AZ, for 6 weeks.  By the time we return to Deming, the weather should be better, although it will probably be quite windy.  Ah, spring in New Mexico.  The plan is to remain in Deming until late May and then head to Utah to run parts of the Paiute Trail.

Two months ago, we lost one of Mike's dogs to old age.  Pretty little Bela finally reached the point where life wasn't much fun for her any more. She had the sweetest temperament of any dog I've known; we miss her.